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Tully-Fisher relation of late-type galaxies at 0.6 ? z ? 2.5

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689; Article No.A318

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EDP Sciences

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We present a study of the stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relation within the redshift range of 0:6 ? z ? 2:5, utilizing observations of star-forming galaxies. This dataset comprises of disk-like galaxies spanning a stellar mass range of 8:89 ? log(Mstar [M?]) ? 11:5, a baryonic mass range of 9:0 ? log(Mbar [M?]) ? 11:5, and a circular velocity range of 1:65 ? log(Vc [km=s]) ? 2:85. We estimated the stellar masses of these objects using spectral energy distribution fitting techniques, while the gas masses were determined via scaling relations. Circular velocities were directly derived from the rotation curves (RCs), after meticulously correcting for beam smearing and pressure support. Our analysis confirms that our sample adheres to the fundamental mass-size relations of galaxies and reflects the evolution of velocity dispersion in galaxies, in line with previous findings. This reaffrms the reliability of our photometric and kinematic parameters (i.e., Mstar and Vc), thereby enabling a comprehensive examination of the Tully-Fisher relation. To attain robust results, we employed a novel orthogonal likelihood fitting technique designed to minimize intrinsic scatter around the best-fit line, as required at high redshifts. For the stellar Tully-Fisher relation, we obtained a slope of ? = 3:03�0:25, an o?set of ? = 3:34�0:53, and an intrinsic scatter of fiint = 0:08 dex. Correspondingly, the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation yielded ? = 3:21 � 0:28, ? = 3:16 � 0:61, and fiint = 0:09 dex. Our findings indicate a subtle deviation in the stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relation with respect to local studies, which is most likely due to the evolutionary processes governing disk formation.


Galaxies: evolution; Galaxies: high-redshift; Galaxies: kinematics and dynamics

Journal Name

Astronomy and Astrophysics